It Comes

First of all I would to say I am not going back to anywhere mentioned in this story, all of this happened between 2001 and 2004.

Finding The Tape

Anyways, you probably know about Barney and Friends, but back then you would be lucky if you caught a new episode on the air, they always just aired a Season 1 episode when there was not a new episode to air, no one knew why through, but on a old TV Guide I have there was a episode that was aired sometime in July 1997, oddly enough at the wrong day, the show always came on at Saturday 7:30, but the episode that was on TV Guide was on Wednesday 10:00.
The title was It's Here, a odd title for a episode of Barney, I was just curious of the contents of the episode, but as the episode only aired once or twice in history I knew I would need to look hard for the episode, first I looked on a website with all the episodes on there, but I looked and saw no episode with the title. Nearly a month later I told my friend Mark about the episode and he told me to look in his little brother's room who at the time still liked the show, he said he had all the tapes from Season 1 to Season 5, my face lit up with joy as I went into his brothers room and looked through the tapes.
I looked for hours looking for the right one, based on the title I had no idea which one was the episode, then I found one that had a X on it, my friend told me to look at it which was what I was going to do anyways, I put it in and all there was was a mess of jumbled colors and I would see a picture from the episode every couple of seconds, but they went by to fast for me to make out the picture.
So I had to wash the thing and I wasted another day just washing the inside of the tape, then I found a place that looked like I had to wash hard, I got all up under it and took something out that had some stuff on it. From my memory the slip said:
JULY 1997 ANY PROBLEMS CALL (I do not remember the number).
Not worrying about it I carefully put the top part back on and placed the tape into the VCR, the thing turned out to be even worse then the last time I had put it in there. So I went and called the number on the tape and then I met a guy named Micheal Little who took the call, I told him my problem and we talked for a long time, after a while he told me to come over and let him fix it.
So I had to take weeks to get there, I had to save up money for tickets, about a month later I got enough money and I went to the airport and paid for the flight.
Sadly there was a huge storm at the airport and I had to wait another day for the storm to end.
After it ended I got on the flight and it took me about 5 hours to get there, then I looked all over the place to find Micheal, then after a while I decided to get a apartment, while going to get one I heard a man that sounded like Micheal and I went up and asked him if that was him and thankfully he said it was. I went to his house and gave the tape to him and it took him a while to get the tape fixed but thankfully he told me that he got it all ready to go.

Watching the Episode

I was wondering the contents of the tape, in a rush I put it in a VCR and instead of random colors I saw the Barney logo come up, after the regular intro it cut to that Barney doll that was always there.
A kid walking up to it crying, it looked like he hurt his knee,he looked as if he was about 6 or 7, but then the doll started glowing in red and a spec of light shot out and Barney showed up, the kid was asking Barney if he could heal his wound, nothing odd except the setting, it looked as if they were just on the sidewalk next to an apartment, but I just shrugged it off.
Then Barney starts talking, it sounds like he was voiced by a different voice actor, as if someone was just pretending, but I still just shrugged it off.
Then Barney's suit starts ripping with every step the darn thing makes, possibly the choppiest suit ever, he then says What happened?, the kid starts rapidly screaming, not like he hurt his knee, you can start to hear background noises from the studio.
The kid's big sister comes into frame and says He fell off his bike! You need to help him, Barney then leaves the frame saying that he was going to look for some bandages, there was no cuts, the kid was screaming bloody murder while his sister tries to help him.
Three minutes pass and Barney comes back with bandages and other stuff, he puts some rubbing alcohol on a bandage and puts it on the kid, then the kids starts screaming louder then ever, it sounds like his throat is going out, the screen starts flickering with random colors.
His sister starts to flicker on different sides while static stakes over the screen, it cuts to black, Micheal began to fast forward it and the video came back, I saw the image that I saw from the messed up tape, the kid was just standing there with his sister, his leg was not bleeding as bad it was from the start, Barney's costume was tore open to the point where you could almost see the man inside.
The background disappears and the kid's and Barney are just standing in a empty void, the image flickers and the credits came on.
I thanked Micheal for fixing the tape, he offered to study it and possibly fix it even better, I took his offer and went to my apartment.


So after I watched the tape, everything seemed okay, but I was anxious to get more into the episode and more into the history of where it came from.
I am a skilled hacker and not scared to say that I hacked into the data for PBS, it showed me ALL the episodes that were to be aired all year. And I copied this from some of the data of all the planned airings from September 5th to July 6nd 2012...
X09101: 10101
X00986: 15731
000000: B5909
126450: 10101
923820: X0235
What did all of that mean? I was going to have to go to extreme measures to get to the bottom of this, I decided to translate this into several different converters, my friends were working nonstop with decoding and computers...
2 hours later my friends told me they had converted it into Binary, here was the results...
Which finally decoded into this:
barney hop to it
barney first day of school
barney it comes
barney grandparents are grand
barney snack time
It was planned to be aired October 5th 2011, I will update this after it airs...